Islamic Emirate Estimates Daesh Numbers in Afghanistan Around 80
The Islamic Emirate’s spokesman, Zabiullah Mujahid, said that the Daesh has been suppressed in Afghanistan and that between 70 to 80 Daesh members are estimated to be based in Afghanistan, and they are being hunted.
He said that the sanctuaries of the Daesh group have been eliminated in Afghanistan.
“Their number is less, and it is around 70 to 80 people. They are dispersed and are under investigation. All their centers have been eliminated. Many of them are in prisons and some of them are being hunted. They have less numbers and all those paths which were supporting them (Daesh) have been suppressed,” Mujahid said.
Meanwhile, political analysts said that the Islamic Emirate should prevent any kind of attack from Afghan soil against other countries, to earn trust of the international community.
“Since the Islamic Emirate came to power, there is physical security all over Afghanistan and it does not allow any group and individual, whether they are the Daesh or resistance or any other group,” said Mohammad Ajmal Zurmati, international analyst.
“Suppression of Daesh is linked to the national trust. National trust requires an end to lack of law, and lack of an official government,” said Sayed Jawad Sijadi, political analyst.
Earlier, the acting Defense Minister, Mawlawi Mohammad Yaqoob Mujahid, said that Pakistan and Tajikistan nationals were killed and arrested in attacks in Afghanistan.