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Islamic Emirate: Daesh Suppressed in Afghanistan

The Islamic Emirate said that Daesh has been suppressed in Afghanistan and does not have the ability to harm other countries from Afghanistan.

The Islamic Emirate’s spokesperson, Zabihullah Mujahid, said that US is trying to create suspicion between Afghanistan and regional countries.

Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesman of the Islamic Emirate, reacting to these findings, told TOLOnews: “In this case, the region and the countries of the region should be very aware so that we don’t fall victim to external and distant conspiracies. Unfortunately, the American occupation caused ISIS to have a nest here and they were even supported at that time, and after the occupation ended, ISIS was severely beaten and has no nest in Afghanistan and is not a threat, and also it does not have the capacity to harm any other country from the soil of Afghanistan. The Americans and the American circles who are talking about this intend to create misunderstanding between the countries of the region and raise suspicions, which I am sure the countries are aware of.”

“Communications intercepts collected by the United States confirmed that Daesh (ISIS) Afghanistan-based branch carried out twin bombings in Iran that killed nearly 100 people, two sources familiar with the intelligence told Reuters on Friday,” Reuters reported.”‘The intelligence is clear-cut and indisputable,’ one source said,” Reuters reported.

“That source and a second, both of whom requested anonymity to discuss the sensitive issue, said the intelligence comprised communications intercepts, without providing further details. The collection of the intercepts has not been previously reported,” Reuters reported.

Reuters said Wednesday’s bombings, the deadliest of their kind in Iran since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, added to regional tensions over the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza and attacks by Yemen’s Tehran-aligned Houthi group on commercial shipping in the Red Sea.

“ISIS on Thursday claimed responsibility for the bombings, saying two operatives wearing explosive suicide belts staged the attack during a memorial service for Qassem Soleimani, a senior military commander assassinated in Iraq in a 2020 U.S. drone strike. The Sunni Muslim militant group, however, did not specify that its Afghanistan-based affiliate, known as ISIS-Khorasan (ISIS-K), was responsible for the bombings in the southeastern Iranian city of Kerman,” Reuters said.

“’The U.S. has pretty clear intel’” that ISIS-K conducted the attack, the first source said,” Reuters reported.

The Central Intelligence Agency declined to comment to Reuters.

The Reuters report said ISIS harbors a virulent hatred for Shi’ites — Iran’s dominant sect and targets of its affiliate’s attacks in Afghanistan — who it views as apostates.

ISIS claimed responsibility for a 2022 attack on a Shi’ite shrine in Iran that killed 15 people and 2017 bombings that hit the parliament and the tomb of the Islamic Republic’s founder, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.

Iran on Friday said security forces had arrested 11 people suspected of involvement in Wednesday’s attack and had seized explosive devices and vests.

While “Taliban” crackdowns have weakened ISIS-K and prompted some members to leave Afghanistan for neighboring countries, “the affiliate has continued focusing on plotting foreign operations, U.S. officials say,” Reuters reported.
